government minutes


October 6, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Korsmo called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; Jeff Bessert; Rachel Ireland; Jeremy Wild; Parker Wild; Nick Freeman; Jenny Baker; Brandi Nelson; Tim Downs Mullen; Matt Polansky; Brad Campbell; Keri Campbell; Mart Campbell; Brad Hoeppner; Anita Woodroffe-Setzer; and Mike Jennings, Public Works Department.

Drahos requested amendment to the September 15th minutes to be as follows: Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #603, a resolution to allow consulting hours to support City Clerk on financial reports at a rate of $40 per hour up to 100 hours from September 2014 to May 2015 and naming Richard Lange as the consultant, with a second by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: Drahos.  Resolution carried.

Herman made a motion, second by Bishop, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from September 15th with above amendment, September Finance Report and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Alliant Energy Electric Utility $4,810.41

”              ” Electric Utility – Fire Dept 130.72

Altorfer Inc. Generator Maintenance – 2 2936.00

Atkins Lumber Co. Fork Lift rent & Street Repair Material 80.80

Atkins Telephone Co. Fire Dept. Phone Bill 132.83

”            ”             ” City Phone Bill 267.94

Benton County Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill Tipping Fees 557.00

Breeden Tree Service Tree Removal 2,628.00

Business Radio Fire Dept Radio Battery Charger 147.00

Payroll Wages 4,869.76

Firehouse Pyrotechnics Watermelon Days Fireworks (50%) 2,500.00

Furler Utility Services Wastewater Testing 360.00

Garage Doors by George Water Plant Door Maintenance 183.55

G & H Electric Water Plant Equip Repairs 3,200.50

Havlik Engineering City Truck Maintenance 94.78

Hawkins Water Supplies 987.03

Hupfeld Stump Removal Tree Trimming 75.00

Iowa DNR Annual Water Use Fee 99.00

Iowa Water Enviro. Assoc Annual Conference Fees 50.00

John Deere Financial Water Plant Supplies 19.89

Ken-Way B Ave/Thompson Storm Sewer 11,268.47

”       ” Pleasant Ct Storm Sewer 8,012.23

”       ” C Ave Storm Sewer 16,963.44

Kirkwood Continuing Ed Fire Dept Medical Training 240.00

Maguire Iron, Inc. Water Tower Cleaning & Painting 21,025.00

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

Menards Water Plant Supplies 42.69

Office Express Office Supplies 56.95

Racom Corporation Fire Dept. Radio Repairs 166.25

Schimberg Co. Water Meter Installation Supplies 10.77

Shane Mell Reimbursement for ditch repair material 1,975.00

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Plant Planning 1,535.00

The Depot Express Fuel 252.98

TruGreen Lawn Treatment – easement on 3rd Ave 42.00

Mayor & Council Payroll Wages 2,126.56

Library bills:

Payroll Wages        $1,341.12

Cathy Becker Mileage (64 miles) 35.84

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 47675

Atkins Telephone Co. Phone bill 67.17

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services 240.00

Nathan Platt Frames for High School Art work 60.00

Pam Duball Library Sub 32.63

Pam Duball Summer Reading Program 300.83

Clerk shared that Resident Larry Gahring had contacted the city about a tree on the street right of way abutting his property that was severely damaged from the storms this summer.  Public Works Director Jennings had evaluated the tree and concluded it should be taken down.  Gahring had already hired a company to remove the tree, and was asking for reimbursement.  Council re-iterated that future requests to take down damaged/diseased trees need to come to the city first, and the city can have the tree removed. Herman made a motion to reimburse the entire $1,400 for the tree removal and clean up, seconded by Drahos.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Resident Jeff Bessert at 7104 33rd Ave shared estimates for tree removal, concrete turnaround installation, and landscaping following installation to resolve his concerns about getting into/out of his driveway.  Discussion on the tree removal that the city could help with clean up after removal to keep the costs down. Herman made motion that the city would reimburse the estimate with Jeff working with Joyal for tree removal without clean-up & for first available on the concrete pouring, and will help with landscaping with the “how” to be discussed at a later time, seconded by Drahos. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.  Discussion ensued about the timing in the season to get the work done and the need to have trees removed first before the concrete could be poured.  Herman amended her motion to allow for any tree removal vendor as long as it does not exceed $810 without clean-up & concrete pouring to be around $6,000 and will help with landscaping with the “how” to be discussed at a later time, seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Mayor Becker arrived.

Bessert raised that he was still working to obtain an estimate for the asphalt extension of his drive to the north to connect to the new private road. Council requested Jeff to obtain an estimate for a decision at the next meeting.

Resident Rachel Ireland at 92 2nd Ave shared that she had contacted City Hall when they moved in 2011, but had not gotten a bill until 2014.  The bill in 2014 included all the prior water usage up to that point, and she requested the back debt to be forgiven. With the retirement of the prior clerk, Council requested tabling the discussion until additional information could be obtained to make a fair decision.  Herman made a motion to table discussion until the next meeting, seconded by Drahos. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Clerk gave an update on delinquent water bill accounts, and advised, per instruction by the Council, that water to several residents will be shutoff on Oct 7th and a $25 reconnect fee would have to be paid with an initial or complete payment to get it turned on.

Engineer Beaman shared an update that a majority of the work for the 71st and 33rd Realignment Project is complete. A walkthrough should be scheduled this week to create the final list of items to complete before acceptance. The guardrail should be installed this week, and city attorney recommends continuing with installation.

Engineer Beaman shared that Waste Water Treatment Planning is still in progress with DNR. Korsmo raised a question on impact to the timelines with the continued delays. Beaman advised that she continues to work with the DNR and does not believe additional action is required now.

Engineer Beaman shared the engineering contract for the Parkridge Sidewalk Project is ready for signature.  Clerk shared an update on the effort to begin fundraising for the grant with a letter drafted along with pledge forms and planning for two Open House opportunities for the community to learn more about the project.  Herman made a motion to approve the engineering contract for the Parkridge Sidewalk Project, seconded by Korsmo.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Engineer Beaman shared that on the Ridgeview 5th Addition the depth of the saw cuts were not to specification and could have caused the street cracking.  Core samples could be taken to determine the reason for the cracking.  Council requested Ralston be requested to find the cause of the cracking and to have the street repaired under the performance bond.  Drahos made a motion to have the Clerk and Engineer send a letter to Ralston requesting the above stated action, seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Engineer Beaman shared the preliminary plans revision to the High Point Drive drainage easement.  Mayor requested Beaman to get cost estimates for the plans by the next meeting.  Brad Campbell, resident at 613 High Point Drive, asked if there could be some of the water drained to the east side of their property.  Council advised there is no easement currently on the east side as that final plat for the land has not been developed.  Mart Campbell from Newhall asked if a Y type drainage could be put in the back to help channel the drainage to the beehive.  Engineer Beaman discouraged this as it could draw more water than currently flowing into that area, and the beehive/storm sewer was not designed for more drainage than what was originally planned.  Korsmo made a motion for the Engineer to gather cost estimates and review the plan with the abutting residents before the next meeting, seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Resident Keri Campbell shared she was able to get drainage plans on their lot from Hall & Hall.  She also shared that she had contact information for a resource at Hall & Hall since the plan originators were no longer with the company.  Mayor Becker asked for those to be shared with the Clerk and Engineer.

Resident Nick Freeman of 405 A Avenue shared concerns with ditch height from the drainage off the field through the soccer fields by the walking trail.  Council requested Engineer and Public Works Director look into if any changes could be made and make a suggestion at the next meeting.

Engineer Beaman requested approval of Payment Request #2 for 71st & Parkridge Ave Realignment and Cardinal Avenue Realignment.  Korsmo made a motion to approve payment seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Public Works Director Jennings shared that he and Engineer Kelli Scott do not recommend filling in the ditch at 502 Circleview due to location at the bottom of the drainage area.  Jennings shared additionally he and Scott recommend for 501 Circleview Drive to remove the retaining wall and widen the bottom of the ditch to help reduce the amount of wash out.  Clerk will contact the homeowners to share the recommendation.

Council considered three estimates for lawn care of the city properties from TruGreen, Linn Coop, and O’Grady Chemicals.  Drahos made a motion to have Linn Coop do the lawn treatment in the future. Motion failed due to lack of a second.  Council discussed if Linn Coop service would be offered out of Newhall, but were unsure if it would be out of Newhall or Marion.  Korsmo made a motion to stay with the current provider, TruGreen, seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Council considered a proposal to purchase new Christmas decorations.  Proposal was to purchase seven new decorations this year and an additional seven next year to complete the number needed for Main Avenue. Atkins Community Club has agreed to pay 50% of the cost to purchase seven decorations.  Drahos made a motion to purchase seven of the lighted tree decorations in LED for a total of $1,792, seconded by Herman. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Council discussed the City Clerk’s request to increase the number of hours per week for the Deputy Clerk.  Clerk cited the increase in walk-in and phone calls with location with the Library, and trying to document City Hall process improvement and documentation efforts.  Council also discussed a transition in workload for the website to have the Deputy Clerk take more responsibilities and having a monthly city newsletter distributed electronically.  Clerk shared that the budget included 20 hours per week for the Deputy Clerk.  Korsmo made a motion to increase the Deputy Clerk’s hours from 40 hours per month to 20 hours per week, seconded by Bishop. Ayes: Bishop, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: Drahos.  Motion carried.

Harbach shared that the work on the 71st and 33rd Realignment turned out very nice.

Drahos shared that residents are in attendance to share concern for the speed that vehicle’s travel on Cardinal Ave.  Council requested the Clerk to ask the sheriff to increase patrol in the area.  Residents will look into purchasing the green turtle with a slow sign to place on their properties.  Residents asked about a temporary speed bump.  Council advised these are discourages due to maintenance costs.

Bishop shared that he has found a company that may be willing donate about 9,000 cubic yards of dirt to the Parkridge Sidewalk Project, and will need an assessment.  Clerk will work with Engineer Beaman to have Snyder & Associates complete this assessment.

Mike Jennings shared that the city wide clean-up was a success this year.

On motion by Bishop, second by Harbach, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, October 20, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.


David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

City Clerk/ Treasurer

September 15, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; Curt Walser; Bob Stolen; Dennis Knock; Ron Vogt; Jeff Bessert; Lurline Gardemann; Roger Stein; Molly Stark; Bree Hepker; Janice Wagner; Frank Wagner; Orville Brown; Mart Campbell; James Comisky; and Mike Jennings, Public Works Department.


Herman made a motion, second by Korsmo, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from September 2nd and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Alliant Energy Electric Utility $5,717.05

“             “ Electric Utility – Fire Dept 142.70

Atkins Lumber Fork Lift Rent & Park Supplies 117.16

“          “ Operating Supplies 21.08

Business Radio Sales & Service Fire Dept – Pager Repairs 177.75

Chase Card City Hall – office supplies 8.64

“      “ Water Postage 258.83

Crawford Quarry Street Repair Material 251.80

Data Technologies Training – General Ledger SW changes 170.00

Emergency Medical Products Fire Dept – Medical Supplies 353.85

Fox Apparatus Repair & Maint. Fire Dept – 634 deck gun valve repair 260.78

Grainger Water Plant Supplies 52.98

Payroll Wages 4,610.04

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 3,421.09

Heiman Fire Dept – Suspenders for turnout gear 179.70

Iowa One Call Locates 29.70

Keystone Laboratories Water Testing 145.80

“              “ Waste Water Testing 361.32

Linn Coop Weed Killer for Park 62.50

Linn County REC Utilities 57.15

MPC Newspapers Publications 174.35

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 53.29

“                       “ Natural Gas Service – Fire Dept 15.11

Midwest Alarm Services Fire Alarm Maintenance 307.50

P&K Midwest Operating Supplies – Park 49.73

Schimberg Co. Water Meter & Pipe Supplies 366.14

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. High Point Drive Drainage Evaluation 2,090.00

“              “          “ Ridgeview 5th Addition 302.50

“            “          “ 71st & Parkridge Rd. 900.00

“            “          “ Cardinal Ave Street Extension 2,420.50

“            “          “ General Engineering 849.36

Staples Office Supplies 65.96

The Depot Express Fuel 345.47

“      “        “ Fire Dept – Fuel 40.71

U S Cellular Cell Phones 234.88

“       “ Fire Dept Cell Phone 10.00

Waste Management Recycling Pick Up 3,627.68

Wellmark Healthcare Premiums 1,371.55


Library bills:

Payroll Wages       $1,281.95

Cathy Becker Mileage 24.64

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 512.53

Central Program/Gumdrop Books Books 588.03

Chase Card Books &Videos 339.53

“          “ Office Supplies & Postage 170.80

“          “ Early Out Supplies 7.37

“      “ Office Equipment – Book Scanner 191.90

“      “ Software – Antivirus 49.99

DP Properties LLC Janitorial 160.00

Grey House Publishing Books 149.50

Iowa Library Services Training Class fee 20.00

“        “          “ Database Subscription Fee 108.50

MicroMarketing Audio Books 374.93

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 12.04

Staples Office Supplies 14.49

Wellmark Healthcare Premiums 681.89


Resident Dennis Knock from 510 Circleview Drive shared concerns about maintaining the growth in the ditch at the rear of his property, along 33rd Avenue. Knock checking into the possibility of burning it off and planting prairie grass and wildflowers, and advised that Fire Chief Lange raised concerns about liability if visibility issues caused an accident.  Knock cited safety concerns with attempting to mow the steep angled ditch and proximity work requires to 33rd Avenue.  Resident Bob Stolen from 506 Circleview Drive raised the same concerns.  Knock and Stolen asked if the City could make an exception to pick up the large volume of debris.  Mayor Becker advised to work with the Clerk and Public Works Director to have it pick up.  Drahos made a motion to look into prices and number of hours it would take to have the County mow the City portion of 33rd up to 5th Street and Pleasant Hill Drive when they are out to mow the County portion of 33rd Avenue, and was seconded by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Resident Curt Walser of 305 E. Parkridge Road advised of similar issues with maintaining the ditch. Walser asked is the road work on the curve would be filling in the ditch, and requested it to extend the rest of the way along his property.  City Engineer Beaman advised that it filling the ditch was not in the current plans.  Harbach made a motion to allow Walser to round off the ditch at 305 E. Parkridge Road to allow for easier mowing with the City Engineers approval, and was seconded by Korsmo.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Resident Lurline Gardemann raised concerns about the lawn nuisance at 89 Pheasant Avenue.  Mayor Becker advised that the homeowner has been given notification, and has until Tuesday September 16th to clean up and mow the yard.  Mayor advised that the City is working their lawyer to find the best path to having a commercial mowing company to resolve the nuisance, and charges incurred will be assessed on the water bill or by putting a lien against the property, as allowable by law.


Resident Jeff Bessert shared concerns about how the 71st Street and 33rd Avenue Realignment project will impact his ability to back out of his driveway.  City Engineer Scott had shared two option with Bessert and the Council to either put a turnaround on the road or add a turnaround at the end of Bessert’s driveway in the right of way.  Bessert shared that he felt the best option was to put a pad in his yard to allow him to turn around and drive out of his driveway, which would require a couple trees to be removed as well.  Drahos made a motion for Bessert to get a couple estimates, including tree removal, for what he is recommending, and was seconded by Herman.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Engineer Beaman that compaction of the turn lane on the 71st and 33rd Realignment Project failed due to damp soil conditions. A sub-base was added to provide the compaction level needed to continue as scheduled.  LL Pelling will begin paving work on Wednesday.


Engineer Beaman advised the Waste Water Treatment Plan and Contract are still in progress, and not available for review.  Beaman expressed a desire for surveying to start this fall before the snowfall to allow enough time to complete plans for the August 2015 plan submittal.

Herman made a motion to move forward with the surveying for the Waste Water Treatment Plant ahead of the contract approval, and was seconded by Korsmo.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Council discussed the engineering estimate for the Parkridge Sidewalk Project.  Clerk shared that nearly half the costs come from fill dirt needed to build up the ditch.  Bishop believes he may have a contact that could donate some dirt.  Council also asked the Clerk to reach out to a few developers and farmers to see if they would be willing to donate some dirt as an in kind donation toward the match money. Clerk advised beginning to work with daycare, school, and church to collect pledges toward the $75,000 match grant.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #600, a resolution to approve the Street Finance Report for 2013-2014, with a second by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Resolution carried.


Drahos made a motion to approve Resolution #601, a resolution to approve the Plat of Survey for PARCEL C, which is the Early Beginning Daycare lot, with a second by Bishop.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Resolution carried.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #602, a resolution to approve transfer of sewer debt funds as a loan to pay for the water meter replacement project, with a second by Herman.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Resolution carried.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #603, a resolution to allow consulting hours to support City Clerk on financial reports, with a second by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: Drahos. Resolution carried.


Clerk shared that Benton Youth Soccer Association made a $250 dollar donation for use of the soccer fields during the last fall and spring seasons.  Clerk also shared that the city wide cleanup will be October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.


Public Works Director Jennings shared a follow up to the Circleview Drive ditch drainage concerns from the last meeting, Engineer Scott advises the retaining walls need to be removed and the bottom of the ditch widened to slow the water run off to reduce with erosion.  Jennings shared the homeowner was open to taking the wall down.

Resident James Comisky raised concern about the smell from the flush discharge at the Water Treatment Plant.  Council advised a change was required by the DNR after the plant was already built that requires this flush and it is not allowed to go into the sanitary sewer.  Comisky shared that on a Saturday the smell was there for close to 2 hours. Jennings advised that the flush is only 3 minutes when it is required, and requested details on when that occurred so he could check into it further.


Concerns were raised about a camper that is parked on the street by the detour on Circleview.  Clerk advised that sheriff’s office has been contacted.


On motion by Herman, second by Korsmo, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, October 6, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

City Clerk/ Treasurer

September 2, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Kelli Scott, City Engineer; Frank King; Mart Campbell; Mary Ann Malecek; Bree Hepker; Molly Stark; Brenton Hakes; and Mike Jennings, Public Works Department.


Korsmo made a motion, second by Harbach, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from August 18th, August Finance Report, and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:

A Tech Inc. Fire Dept Alarm Monitoring $60.00

Atkins Telephone Co. Fire Dept. 133.43

“            “             “ City Hall 264.82

Benton County Auditor Law Enforcement Contract – Q1 FY15 5,265.00

Benton County Engineer Sanitary Landfill Contract – Q1 FY15 13,777.50

Payroll Wages 4,709.99

Furler Utility Services Wastewater Testing 360.00

Hawkins Water Supplies 1,560.70

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

P&K Midwest Mower Parts 77.63

Ricklefs Excavating Cardinal Ave & Change Order Pmt 165,141.28

Schimberg Co. Water Meter Installation Supplies 61.07

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. General Engineering 3,066.70

“               “          “ Inspection at Ridgeview 5th 1,759.58

“            “          “ 71st & 33rd Planning 5,700.00

“            “          “ Cardinal Ave/Daycare Inspections 1,226.60

Waste Management Watermelon Days Trash Pickup 516.55

Wellmark Health Insurance Premium 1,371.55


Library bills:

Payroll Wages $1,192.56

Atkins Telephone Co. Phone bill 68.45

“                  “ Tech support 65.00

Becca Coleman Library Sub 21.75

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services 160.00

Wellmark Health Insurance Premium 681.89


Council followed up on their discussion with resident, Frank King, regarding the July water bill. Since the August bill was within expected usage, Council requested King to continue monitoring his bill, and in the event of unexplained increased usage to have the meter sent to an independent lab for testing. Mayor asked Jennings to contact companies to get estimated pricing to test a meter.


Mary Ann Malecek, resident at 501 Circleview Drive, requested filling in her front ditch.  Additionally, Brenton Hakes, resident at 502 Circleview Drive, expressed concerns about his ditches on the front and side of his property.  He cited concerns with mowing and erosion with large. Engineering Scott cautioned doing this without having a review of the up and downstream drainage, and discussion with City Attorney on liability. Jennings and Scott will look at 502 Circleview ditch to check on options for improving.  Herman made a motion, second by Drahos, to table requests to fill in ditch at 501 Circleview Drive and check with City Attorney on liability concerns. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Request was made by Hepker and Stark to plant and maintain natural grass area on the east edge of the daycare property from the drainage ditch on the north to the retention basis on the south to help with drainage and erosion control.  Drahos made a motion, second by Herman, to approve no mow/natural grass area on east of daycare property for erosion control. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


Council reviewed grass treatment estimate and recommendation from TruGreen for city properties. Council asked Jennings to request quotes from O’Grady Chemical Corp in Van Horne and Linn Coop, as well. Drahos made a motion to obtain quotes from the above companies for treating city properties twice a year, second by Herman. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


Engineer Scott reviewed progress on the 71st Street Widening and Realignment and Cardinal Avenue Extension.  Cardinal Avenue is nearly complete, and 71st is to start this week and complete by September 30th.  Scott advised that she is working with Jennings to review the cause for the cracks in the streets for the Ridgeview 5th Addition. Scott also advised that she has reviewed the drainage report for the Early Beginnings Daycare.


Scott shared an update on the progress for the High Point Drive drainage. Preliminary solution is in progress, and currently includes adding a berm around the beehive, creating a spillway off the berm, swale to take runoff to the street, and cut into the back of the storm sewer box at the street to catch the runoff from the swale.  Scott also recommended allowing the homeowners to the east to tile their yard and have one connection into the existing 18 inch storm sewer pipe. Scott advised that additional work is needed on the preliminary plan, and it would be reviewed with adjacent homeowners before moving forward with approval.


Clerk advised she would be returning to work full time on September 8th.


On motion by Drahos, second by Harbach, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, September 15th, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

City Clerk/ Treasurer

Atkins City Council

Meeting Agenda for Monday

September 2, 2014 7:30 P. M.

Atkins City Hall – 480 Third Avenue


NOTICE AND CALL OF PUBLIC MEETING. The Mayor and Council welcome comments from the public during discussion.  You are required to state your name and address for the record and to limit the time used to present your remarks in order that others may be given an opportunity to speak. The order of business is at the discretion of the Chair. The audio portion of this meeting may be recorded.


  1. Call to Order and Roll Call by Mayor David Becker.


  1. Council comments concerning the Consent Agenda, which includes the minutes of August 18th Meeting, August Finance Report and list of bills for approval.


  1. Follow up discussion on Water bill for 612 Ridgeview Way (Frank King)


  1. Requests to fill in ditch
    1. 501 Circleview Drive (Mary Ann Malecek)


  1. Request for no mow/natural grass area to the east of Daycare facility (Bree Hepker)


  1. Discussion on grass treatment for city properties; review of TruGreen estimates


  1. Engineer’s Report (Lindsey Beaman)


  1. Discussion on Christmas decorations for City Streets


  1. Other business


  1. Adjournment


This notice is given at the direction of the Mayor pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, and the local rules of the City of Atkins, Iowa.


Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer

Heather David, Deputy Clerk

August 18, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; Jim Herzberger; Art Taschner; Mark Ralston; Frank King; Mart Campbell; Keri Campbell; Dean Andes; and Mike Jennings, Public Works Department.


Herman made a motion, second by Korsmo, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from August 4th, and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Affinity Care Inc. EAP Service $5.60

Allen, Vernon & Hoskins, PLC Legal Services 51.06

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 6,260.09

Atkins Lumber Fork Lift Rent & Supplies 184.81

Atkins Savings Bank Wire Transfer Fee 15.00

Chase Card City Hall – office supplies 110.36

“       “ Newsletter 178.14

“       “ Software 79.99

“       “ Water Postage 478.94

“       “ Sewer Postage 12.63

Colony Heating A/C Maintenance 110.00

Crawford Quarry Street Repair Material 94.77

Creative Technologies Software 395.00

The Depot Express Fuel 414.41

Payroll Wages 7,626.94

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 1.848.66

Iowa One Call Locates 37.80

John Deere Financial Supplies 21.98

Keystone Laboratories Water Testing 336.00

Stacy Larson Refund for Water Bill Overpayment 444.57

Linn County REC Utilities 897.79

MPC Newspapers Publications 253.69

Menards Supplies 14.29

Metering & Technology Training 9,650.00

“       “ Water Meter Replacement Supplies 577.51

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 71.56

Midwest Alarm Services Fire Alarm Maintenance 333.72

Office Express Supplies 180.31

P&K Midwest Supplies 27.90

Quality Pump & Control Lift Station Repair 1,301.60

Roto-Rooter Cleaned Sewer Line 997.50

Sandry Fire Supply, L.L.C Equipment 129.74

Schimberg Co. Water Meter Supplies 864.39

Star Press Union Subscription 30.00

True North Disability Insurance 87.86

U S Cellular Cell Phones 152.44

“       “ Fire Dept Cell Phone 10.00

Waste Management Recycling Pick Up 3,553.06


Library bills:


Payroll Wages 1,235.63

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 616.58

Affinity Care Inc. EAP Service 2.80

Chase Card Books &Videos 436.23

“           “ Office Supplies & Postage 63.93

DP Properties LLC Janitorial 160.00

Libby Gleason Library Sub (3 hours) 21.75

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 14.31

Sam’s Club Summer Reading Program Supplies 98.24

True North Health & Disability Insurance 16.32


Drahos made a motion to accept Resolution #599, a resolution to accept the Plan of Improvements for Ridgeview 5th Addition. Second by Herman. Ayes: Drahos, Bishop, Herman, Korsmo, and Harbach.  Nay: None. Resolution carried.


Drahos made a motion, second by Herman, to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance #197, an ordinance to change the Landfill fee to $5 per month. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None. Motion carried.


Discussion on resident Kent James request to fill his ditch at 606 Circleview Drive was approved with review and approval by Public Works.


Resident Frank King expressed concerns over his water bill. Council asked King to work with Jennings from Public Works to pull reports on his water usage and determine next steps.


Resident Jim Herzberger expressed concerns about weeds growing on the easement next to his house at 312 Park Ridge Road. With the 3rd Avenue extension a couple years ago, weeds began to grow.  Drahos made a motion to have the area sprayed in the fall with the other City properties, and revisit in the spring to re-seeded if necessary, second by Bishop.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Herzberger thanked the City for cleaning the storm sewer intake near his house.


Drahos made a motion, second by Harbach, to send a letter, along with a copy of the City Code, giving notice to homeowners with overgrown grass, including within easements they are responsible to maintain. If the homeowner does not resolve, the City will hire a contractor to address and actual expenses will be charged to the homeowner. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Bishop made a motion, second by Korsmo, to add a stop sign at Ridgeview Drive and Pleasant Hill Drive. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Korsmo made a motion to hold the next City Council Meeting September 2nd. The motion was seconded by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Discussion on holding Council Meetings earlier than 7:30PM.  Drahos made a motion to change the time for Council Meetings to 7:00 PM. Motion failed due to lack of a second.  Drahos made a motion to change the time for Council Meetings to 6:30 PM.  Motion failed due to lack of a second.


The council discussed progress on High Point Drive drainage.


City Clerk Rammelsberg informed the Council that the MATCH Grant has been awarded by the Wellmark Foundation for the Parkridge Road Sidewalk project.  Fundraising for $75,000 will take place now until November.


Herman advised that she has contacted the Sheriff’s office about speed on 1st Street, citing concerns with school starting.


On motion by Harbach, second by Herman, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

City Clerk/ Treasurer

August 4, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Council member Kevin Korsmo was absent. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; Frank King; Chad Lohrer; Mart Campbell; Roger Stein; and Mike Jennings, Public Works Department.

Herman made a motion, second by Harbach, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from July 21st, July Finance Report, and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None. Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried. 

Clerk advised of typographical error in list of bills for amount for Snyder & Associates.

Herman made a motion to approve revised list, second by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Atkins Telephone Co. Fire Dept. 137.38

”            ”          ” City Hall 269.71

Custom House and Supplies Road Supplies 201.04

Payroll Wages 7,885.40

Furler Utility Services Wastewater Testing 435.00

G&H Electric Repair of Private Electrical Lines 997.95

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 778.50

Iowa DNR NDPES Annual Fee 210.00

Linn Coop Fuel – Road 1,058.49

Menards Park Supplies 4.99

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

P&K Park Supplies 27.90

Rabe Hardware, INC. Water Meter Plumbing (billed to customer) 88.38

Rexco Equipment, Inc Mower blade & parts 72.99

Roto-Rooter Water Plant Repair 980.00

Schimberg Water Plant Plumbing Repair 30.64

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. WWTP Antidegradation 4,115.00

”            ”          ” Inspection at Ridgeview 5th 187.74

”            ”          ” 71st & Parkridge Rd. 2,250.00 (update to correct amt)

”            ”          ” General Engineering 160.50

Staples City Hall – Office Supplies 695.84

Road – Office Supplies 26.72

WageWorks Insurance 725.09

Library bills:

Payroll Wages        $1,391.29

Atkins Telephone Co. Phone bill 66.13

Pamela Duball Summer Reading Program 158.45

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services (2 wks) 160.00

MicroMarketing Audio/Visual 101.94

Pumpkin Books Books 140.92

Staples Office Supplies 463.16

(Insert the July Finance Report here.  Copy from the July 7 minutes and then update with numbers from the report that we shared on Aug 4th.)

Resident Chad Lohrer informed the council of drainage concerns at 307 Pleasant Ct. Engineer Scott advised due to significant rainfall this year, riprap should be put back to original state and resident will monitor to see if continued issues.

The Council considered Ordinance #197, an ordinance to change the Landfill fee to $5 per month.   Harbach made a motion, second by Herman, to approve the ordinance.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried.

Drahos made a motion to approve the Class B Native Wine Permit for Atkins Family Pharmacy, second by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.

Harbach made a motion to approve Resolution #598, a resolution to accept Rigdeview 3rd addition pond, with a second by Herman.  Ayes: Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: Drahos. Absent: Korsmo.  Resolution carried.

Bishop made a motion to approve the Performance agreement for the Ridgeview 5th Addition, second by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried.

Drahos made a motion to decline Resolution #599 without signature from Mark Ralston on the Performance Agreement. This resolution was to accept the Plan of Improvements for Ridgeview 5th Addition. Second by Herman.  Ayes: Drahos, Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo. Resolution declined.

Engineer Beaman gave an update on 33rd and Parkridge Realignment project, Wastewater Treatment Plant planning, and the Cardinal Avenue extension.  Also shared was the contract for the High Point Drive drainage re-creation.

Drahos made a motion to approve the High Point Drive drainage re-creation contract with Snyder & Associates, second by Herman.

Ayes: Drahos, Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None. Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.

Engineer Beaman made Payment Request #1 and Change Request #1 for 71st & Parkridge Ave Realignment and Cardinal Avenue Extension. Change request is needed due to curve found in the sewer line from the initial Cardinal Avenue work. Herman made a motion to approve the payment and change request, second by Bishop. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.

Drahos made a motion to table GPS location for water, sanitary and storm sewer in Ridgeview 5th, second by Herman. Ayes: Drahos, Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None. Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.


Resident King shared appreciation for quick response to his concerns about water usage and the capability to profile usage with the new water meters.

Resident Lohrer requested the Council to consider replacing the yield sign at Ridgeview Drive and Pleasant Hill Court with a stop sign.

On motion by Drahos, second by Herman, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, Aug 18, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.

(Add the signature lines for Mayor and Clerk.  Copy from last Council Minutes.)

August 4, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Council member Kevin Korsmo was absent. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; Frank King; Chad Lohrer; Mart Campbell; Roger Stein; and Mike Jennings, Public Works Department.

Herman made a motion, second by Harbach, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from July 21st, July Finance Report, and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None. Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried. 

Clerk advised of typographical error in list of bills for amount for Snyder & Associates.

Herman made a motion to approve revised list, second by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Atkins Telephone Co. Fire Dept. 137.38

”            ”          ” City Hall 269.71

Custom House and Supplies Road Supplies 201.04

Payroll Wages 7,885.40

Furler Utility Services Wastewater Testing 435.00

G&H Electric Repair of Private Electrical Lines 997.95

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 778.50

Iowa DNR NDPES Annual Fee 210.00

Linn Coop Fuel – Road 1,058.49

Menards Park Supplies 4.99

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

P&K Park Supplies 27.90

Rabe Hardware, INC. Water Meter Plumbing (billed to customer) 88.38

Rexco Equipment, Inc Mower blade & parts 72.99

Roto-Rooter Water Plant Repair 980.00

Schimberg Water Plant Plumbing Repair 30.64

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. WWTP Antidegradation 4,115.00

”            ”          ” Inspection at Ridgeview 5th 187.74

”            ”          ” 71st & Parkridge Rd. 2,331.00

”            ”          ” General Engineering 160.50

Staples City Hall – Office Supplies 695.84

Road – Office Supplies 26.72

WageWorks Insurance 725.09

Library bills:

Payroll Wages        $1,391.29

Atkins Telephone Co. Phone bill 66.13

Pamela Duball Summer Reading Program 158.45

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services (2 wks) 160.00

MicroMarketing Audio/Visual 101.94

Pumpkin Books Books 140.92

Staples Office Supplies 463.16

June Finance Report Receipts                               Warrants

General Fund $  26,948.86 $    2,299.41

TIF          $    1,555.35 $           0.00

Road Use Tax          $           0.00                 $    4,802.94

Water Fund          $  13,048.39 $    2,176.97

Sewer Fund                      $    6,337.59              $    4,760.00

Sewer Debt Fund

$  11,949.00               $           0.00      

Totals        $  59,839.19 $  14,039.32

Resident Chad Lohrer informed the council of drainage concerns at 307 Pleasant Ct. Engineer Scott advised due to significant rainfall this year, riprap should be put back to original state and resident will monitor to see if continued issues.

The Council considered Ordinance #197, an ordinance to change the Landfill fee to $5 per month.   Harbach made a motion, second by Herman, to approve the ordinance.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried.

Drahos made a motion to approve the Class B Native Wine Permit for Atkins Family Pharmacy, second by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.

Harbach made a motion to approve Resolution #598, a resolution to accept Rigdeview 3rd addition pond, with a second by Herman.  Ayes: Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: Drahos. Absent: Korsmo.  Resolution carried.

Bishop made a motion to approve the Performance agreement for the Ridgeview 5th Addition, second by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried.

Drahos made a motion to decline Resolution #599 without signature from Mark Ralston on the Performance Agreement. This resolution was to accept the Plan of Improvements for Ridgeview 5th Addition. Second by Herman.  Ayes: Drahos, Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo. Resolution declined.

Engineer Beaman gave an update on 33rd and Parkridge Realignment project, Wastewater Treatment Plant planning, and the Cardinal Avenue extension.  Also shared was the contract for the High Point Drive drainage re-creation.

Drahos made a motion to approve the High Point Drive drainage re-creation contract with Snyder & Associates, second by Herman.

Ayes: Drahos, Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None. Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.

Engineer Beaman made Payment Request #1 and Change Request #1 for 71st & Parkridge Ave Realignment and Cardinal Avenue Extension. Change request is needed due to curve found in the sewer line from the initial Cardinal Avenue work. Herman made a motion to approve the payment and change request, second by Bishop. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.

Drahos made a motion to table GPS location for water, sanitary and storm sewer in Ridgeview 5th, second by Herman. Ayes: Drahos, Bishop, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None. Absent: Korsmo. Motion carried.


Resident King shared appreciation for quick response to his concerns about water usage and the capability to profile usage with the new water meters.

Resident Lohrer requested the Council to consider replacing the yield sign at Ridgeview Drive and Pleasant Hill Court with a stop sign.

On motion by Drahos, second by Herman, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, and Harbach.  Nay: None.  Absent: Korsmo.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, Aug 18, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.

________________________________ David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

City Clerk/ Treasurer

July 21, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Kelli Scott, City Engineering; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; Dean Andes; Doug Ness; Craig & Sheila Betzer; Neil & Beverly Hayden; Dan Hines; Kent James; Shawn Steffen; Keri Campbell; Charlie Stark; Molly Stark; Bree Hepker; and Mike Jennings, Public Works Department.


Korsmo made a motion, second by Herman, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from July 7th, and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Allen, Vernon & Hoskins, PLC Legal Services $37.18

Breeden Tree Service City Tree Removal 668.75

Chase Card City Hall – office supplies 642.43

“      “ Sewer Supplies 70.62

“      “ Water Postage 4.00

“      “ Fire Dept Batteries 359.50

Colony Heating Replace A/C Capacitor – City Hall 215.67

Payroll Wages 7,525.97

G&H Electric Air Conditioner Repair – Water Plant 504.81

Hach Water Treatment Supplies 372.47

Harn R/O Systems Water Treatment Supplies 1,800.00

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 3,160.39

Iowa One Call Locates 24.30

John Deere Financial Road Supplies 48.10

Keystone Laboratories Water Testing 487.40

LL Pelling Co Patch for Street Repair 246.68

“  “ Fire Department Parking Lot Repair 3,248.30

“  “ Street Repairs 55,142.95

Marco Copier Service Agreement 294.59

MPC Newspapers Publications 232.32

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 67.78

Mike Wagner Construction Fascia Repair 244.00

P&K Midwest Grapple Purchase 4,200.00

Rexco Equipment Mower Parts 137.31

Team Services Inc Street Inspection 142.91

The Depot Express Fuel- Road 450.11

True North Disability Insurance 87.86

TruGreen Lawn Service 1,332.50

U S Cellular Cell Phones 156.86

“       “ Fire Dept Cell Phone 10.00

Wellmark Health Insurance 1,371.55


Library bills:

Payroll Wages                 $1,220.45

Chase Card Books &Videos 649.17

“          “ Office Supplies & Postage 126.70

DP Properties LLC Janitorial 160.00

Kids Reference Co Books 217.43

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 15.23

True North Health & Disability Insurance 16.32

Wellmark Health Insurance 681.89


Chuck Stark, Molly Stark, and Bree Hepker made a request to the Council to approve a change in the drainage of gutters for the Early Beginnings Daycare to allow the north gutters to go directly to the east drainage ditch/culvert and the south gutters to go to the detention basin. City Engineer Scott shared that the plan was to have all gutters drain to the detention basin to allow the basin to regulate the flow into the drainage ditch/culvert.  Drahos made a motion to allow the north gutters to the ditch and the south gutters to the detention pond and if issue would address later.  Motion failed for lack of a second.  Herman made a motion that all drainage go to the detention pond per the original design, seconded by Bishop.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Resident Doug Ness requested that the Council allow him to add drainage tile and fill in his ditch at 506 D Avenue. Council advised that tile and intakes needed to be included, and that Street Superintendent would need to inspect and sign off on the work.


Resident Kent James requested that the Council allow him to extend his culvert and fill in his ditch at 606 Circleview Drive.  City Engineer Scott advised that there is an open item being looked into on a drainage easement between 604 and 606.  Herman made motion to table action at this time, second by Korsmo.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Dan Hines asked the Council for input on what could be done to allow ease to get across the drainage easement to maintain his property.  Council shared that there could be no action taken that would impede the water flow or change the grading in the drainage easement.


Clerk read a letter from resident Stan Hanzelka about his drainage concerns between 92 – 100 and 93 – 95 A Ave.  Council agreed it needs to be looked at further before discussion could continue.  Drahos made a motion to table discussion, second by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Engineer Scott shared with the Council a memo describing the progress on the Plan of Improvements for Ridgeview 5th Addition.  Recommendation was made to accept the public improvements.  Discussion about the detention pond maintenance and street cracking.  Snyder & Associates will look into the cause of the street cracking.  The streets are covered under a two year maintenance bond for repairs as needed.  Drahos requested that discussion on streets being cracked during building of homes be added to the next agenda.  Bishop made a motion to table the discussion on accepting the Plan of Improvements, seconded by Drahos.  Aye: Bishop, Drahos.  Nay: Harbach, Korsmo, Herman.  Motion failed.  Herman made a motion to accept the public improvements, per the recommendation of City Engineer, pending a written performance agreement and final inspection of the outstanding items from the walk through today, second by Korsmo. Aye: Harbach, Herman, Korsmo. Nay: Bishop, Drahos.  Motion carried.


Engineer Scott shared an update on the High Point Drive drainage easement actions to obtain the original plans.  Hall & Hall has not been able to locate their CAD drawings.  Recommended that Snyder & Associates could put a plan together to create what could be done with today’s specs and standards at an estimated cost of $7,000.  Herman made a motion to have Snyder proceed with above referenced plan, seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Resident Campbell shared about a grant that may help, 319 grant through the EPA.  City Clerk and City Engineer will look into further.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #597, a resolution to update personnel access to the safety deposit box, with a second by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Resolution carried.


The Council considered Ordinance #196, an ordinance relating to abutting property owner responsibility and liability for maintenance of public right of way and sidewalk.  Harbach made a motion to waive the second reading and proceed with the third and final reading, second by Korsmo, to approve the ordinance.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


The Council considered Ordinance #197, an ordinance to change the Landfill fee to $5 per month.   Harbach made a motion, second by Korsmo, to approve the ordinance.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Council requested Clerk to pull the prior agreed actions on customers who are behind on paying their water bill to share at next meeting, and to send letters to residents that are more than 90 days behind on payment.


Resident Shawn Steffen requested the Council to look at the code for commercial zoning to possibly have it updated to specify about the appearance of buildings.  He cited other cities that have requirements for their commercial properties like North Liberty and Hiawatha.  Council requested Planning & Zoning to bring a recommendation to the Council.


Betzer requested the city shut off the water to the third bay of this property on Main Avenue.  He reiterated his earlier request to the Council to look into inspecting sidewalks and notifying homeowners when they don’t meet standards.


On motion by Korsmo, second by Drahos, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, Aug 4, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

City Clerk/ Treasurer


July 7, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Weston Bishop, Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, and Tim Harbach. Absent: Mayor Becker. Mayor Pro Tem, Kevin Korsmo called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, City Clerk/Treasurer; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Kelli Scott, City Engineering; Neil & Beverly Hayden; Jim Kidwell; Linda Hauber; Brad Carver; Brent & Sara Tjelmeland; Brad & Keri Campbell; Scott Waybill; Mart Campbell of Newhall, IA; Shawn Steffen; Scott Johnson; Dave Duball, and Todd Damon, Public Works Department.


Herman made a motion, second by Harbach, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from June 16th, with a change for Mayor/Council wages from $2,026.56 to $2,076.56 due to calculation error, June Financial Report, and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.

Bills approved:


A&G Asphalt, Inc. Parkridge Resurfacing $6,560.00

Alliant Energy Electric Utility – City 5,037.62

Electric Utility – Fire Dept 126.52

Atkins Lumber Co. Water Dept – Fork lift rent & supplies 60.00

“             “ Road- supplies 65.19

Atkins Telephone Co. Fire Dept. 122.91

“           “             “ City Hall 263.94

“           “             “ City Hall – tech support 105.00

Crawford Quarry Street Repair material 85.16

The Depot Express Fuel – Road 164.27

“           “             Fuel – Fire Dept 23.01

Payroll Wages 11,914.59

Furler Utility Services Wastewater Testing 360.00

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 778.50

Iowa DNR Annual Water Supply Fee 195.24

Iowa League of Cities Membership Dues for FY15 925.00

Iowa Prison Industries Street Signs 47.10

John Deere Financial Park Supplies 87.08

Ken-Way Excavating, Inc. 71st Street Repair 5,601.00

Keystone Laboratories, Inc Wastewater Testing 435.55

L.B. Anderson Addt’l premium for Fire Truck & equip 329.00

Linn Coop Fuel – Road 1,222.68

“        “ Fuel – Fire Dept 745.92

Linn County REC Utilities – Sewer Plant 399.96

MES Fire Dept – annual Pump calibration 548.50

Metering & Technology Water Meter Replacement Supplies 176,748.43

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

Mike Wagner Construction City Hall/Library Building repair 2,960.84

Office Express Park Supplies 152.67

Rexco Equipment, Inc Mower blade & parts 41.99

Sandry Fire Supplies Fire Dept SCBA Testing 809.20

Schimberg Water Meter supplies 2,422.20

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan 9,700.00

“              “          “ Inspection at Ridgeview 5th 1,764.29

“            “          “ 71st & 33rd Planning 2,941.20

“            “          “ Cardinal Ave Planning 2,000.00

Staples City Hall – Office Supplies 40.75

State of Iowa Auditor Annual Exam Fees 5,167.85

TEAM Services, Inc Ridgeview 5th Inspection 1,172.97

VESSCO, Inc. Water Plant Supplies 428.79

Waste Management Recycling Pick up 3,553.06


Library bills:

Payroll Wages       $1,123.63

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 499.93

Atkins Telephone Co. phone bill 56.49

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services (4 wks) 260.00

Iowa Library Services Annual Subscription 450.30

Kids Reference Company Books 137.91

Staples Office Supplies 42.28


June Finance Report Receipts                               Warrants

General Fund $    9,448.75 $  65,268.40

TIF          $    2,188.35 $           0.00

Road Use Tax          $           0.00                 $   3,027.83

Water Fund          $  12,578.45                  $  26,642.07

Sewer Fund                      $    5,854.20                             $    5,196.88

Sewer Debt Fund          $  12,914.00                     $           0.00      

Totals        $  43,027.25 $100,135.18


Herman made a motion to approve Resolution #595, a resolution to remove signature on ACH for the former City Clerk/Treasurer, with a second by Bishop. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Resolution carried.


Harbach made a motion to approve Resolution #596, a resolution to remove signature on accounts for the former City Clerk/Treasurer, with a second by Herman.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Resolution carried.


The Council considered Ordinance #196, an ordinance relating to abutting property owner responsibility and liability for maintenance of public right of way and sidewalk.  Drahos made a motion, second by Herman, to approve the ordinance. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


Residents, Brent & Sara Tjelmeland and Brad & Keri Campbell, shared concerns about surface water drainage between their residents at 613 & 611 High Point Drive, respectively.  City Engineer, Kelli Scott, advised that she reviewed the final plat and plan of improvements to review the drainage easement and requirements.  She also went on site to stake out the easement, but has not pulled the detailed elevation plans from the development engineering firm.  Tjelmelands advised that their east window well is within the easement, and water entered there to put three inches of water in their unfinished basement. Campbells advised that they had three feet of water that entered their basement when two windows, one on the south of the house and one on the east, broke out.  Scott advised the beehive that is located at the back of the lots in the drainage easement is for a 5 year rain, and there is supposed to be a swale for a 100 year rain.


Mayor Becker arrived.


Sara Tjelmeland advised that the beehive gets closed with debris running off from the farm field, and it has to be cleared to keep it working. In the spring, it does not keep up with the thaw runoff.  She also advised that the surface water had a natural path to the street prior to the Campbell’s house being built.  Council directed the city engineer to pull the information on what the swale should be and how it could be made deeper, to look into alternative drainage for the beehive, and what could be done to cut the back of the curb drain at the street.  Scott Johnson with Ralston Construction suggested that they might be able to help cut some of the dirt and move it to help with the swale.


Korsmo made a motion to approve the beer permit for the Atkins Community Club during the Watermelon Days upcoming celebration, seconded by Bishop. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


Council discussed the ventilation of the scrubber room at the Water Treatment Plant. City engineer shared that there may have been some modifications done to the exhaust after the plant was built.  Discussion that the city does not have a gas monitor, and should have a portable one. Mayor Becker asked the city engineer to look into when the exhaust was supposed to be run.  Herman made a motion to purchase a gas monitor for $800 or less, seconded by Korsmo.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Kelli Scott walked the Council through the Engineer’s Report.  Council also reviewed the construction services contract with Snyder & Associates for the 71st Street & Parkridge Road Intersection Realignment and Cardinal Avenue Extension.  Korsmo made a motion to approve the contract, with a second by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


City engineer shared that due to easements that are needed for the Daycare, it may be needed for Mike Deklotz to do a final plat.  In order to do that, there is a need to either approve the 2005 preliminary plat to be used for final plat, or to do a new prelim plat.  Harbach made a motion to approve the 2005 preliminary plat to use for final plat as needed, seconded by Bishop. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Resident Shawn Steffen raised concerns about a possible shrimp farm being located in the area behind his house.  Council advised that this item has been referred to Planning & Zoning since the area is currently zoned residential.


Todd Damon thanked the Council for approving the Water Meter Replacement Project.  Meter reading has been cut down from 28 hours to about 1 hour with the reading done the end of June.


Mayor Becker shared with the Council the need for a grappler to help with branch/brush clean up following the storms.  Requested the Council approve the purchase of one at the next meeting.  He shared that more hours for training in July have been approved for the Deputy Clerk to prepare for the City Clerk’s absence in August/September.


Clerk shared with the Council that AIM will have a meeting on August 14, 2014 at 7pm in the City Council Room.


Kormso requested letters be sent to golf cart owners that are violating the golf cart ordinance.  He also shared that Atkins Community Club has an interest in putting in a Frisbee Golf course before the end of the summer.


Harbach requested that letters be sent to homeowners that are not mowing the ditch behind their house along 33rd Avenue.  He asked about the ownership of the landscaping on the edge of his property on Cardinal Avenue, as he would like to take over maintenance of this area. Clerk will inquire with Virgil Krug as to ownership.


Bishop shared some vehicles has been broken into by some teens, and asked that Sheriff’s office be contacted to increase patrol during very early morning hours.


On motion by Herman, second by Harbach, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, July 21, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

City Clerk/ Treasurer

June 16, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, Tim Harbach, Connie Drahos, and Weston Bishop. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, Deputy City Clerk; Heather David, Deputy Clerk; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; Dave Duball, City Public Works Department; Cathy Becker, Library Director; Todd Damon, City Public Works Department; Jesse & Heather Hinegardner; Andy Jones; and Dan Rammelsberg.


Drahos made a motion, second by Harbach, to approve the Consent Agenda with addition of Benton Development Group Update, which consisted of the minutes from June 2nd and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Allen, Vernon & Hoskins, PLC Legal Services $12.39

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 4,779.39

Benton County Engineer Sanitary Landfill Fee (Q4) 13,360.00

Breeden Tree Service Tree Removal at corner 2nd Ave & 1st St 703.00

Chase Card Water Mailings (Bills & Meter Replacement) 719.44

“       “ City Hall – office supplies 204.72

“       “ Road – Tire Repair & Fuel 434.31

“       “ Software – virus scan & backup storage 104.73

Data Technologies Backup storage setup for Ledger 50.00

D. J. C-Stores Fuel- Road 198.79

Payroll Wages 9,138.16

Mayor & Council Wages 2,026.56

G&H Electric Sewer Plant Repair 90.00

Global Filters Filter shipping 20.00

Hach Water Treatment Supplies 179.87

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 2,968.36

Heiman Fire Dept – Fire Gear 3,000.00

Iowa One Call Locates 24.30

IRS Federal Tax Deposit 2,067.25

IPERS Deposit 3,500.92

Keystone Laboratories Water Testing 226.32

Linn County REC Utilities – Sewer Plant 814.61

MPC Newspapers Publications 867.96

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 208.78

Schimberg Co Water Meter Supplies 154.31

True North Health & Disability Insurance 1,465.77

U S Cellular Cell Phones 153.79

“       “ Fire Dept Cell Phone 10.00

USPS First Class Mailing Permit Renewal 220.00

Waste Management Recycling pick-up 3,553.06


Library bills:

Payroll Wages                 $1,108.12

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 428.81

Chase Card Books 337.67

“           “ Office Supplies & Postage 87.06

DP Properties LLC Janitorial 120.00

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 79.66

Pam Duball Summer Reading Program Materials 64.53

True North Health & Disability Insurance 699.72


Andy Jones, the Atkins representative on the Benton Development Group (BDG), shared an update on that groups efforts.  Due to County funding cut backs, the BDG is raising funds through private donations.  Jones asked for feedback from the Council, and shared that BDG has a grant to work on a Benton County website to highlight each community.  Jones advised that we will give the Council regular updates on BDG progress.


The Council considered the third and final reading of Ordinance # 194 which would raise water rates from $4.60 per 1,000 gallon to $5.90 per 1,000 effective July 1, 2014. Korsmo moved to approve the second reading. Second was made by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


The Council considered the third and final reading of Ordinance # 195 which would raise sewer rates from 50% of the water rate to 80% of the water rate effective July 1, 2014.   Harbach made a motion, second by Korsmo, to approve the second reading.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #588, a resolution to set wages for Deputy Clerk, with a second by Herman.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #589, a resolution to authorize signature on accounts for the Deputy Clerk, with a second by Herman. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


Drahos made a motion to approve Resolution #590, a resolution to authorize signature for Deputy Clerk on ACH transmittal, with a second by Herman.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Residents, Jesse and Heather Hinegardner, shared about a business they would like to start in Atkins to farm raise shrimp.  Hinegardner advised that the city water is nearly perfect for their business.  Currently a site for the business has not been defined, and want to proactively work with the Council.  Deputy City Clerk will coordinate with Planning & Zoning and Hinegardners to move forward.


Resident and Assistant Fire Chief, Dan Rammelsberg, discussed with the Council about four antennas that are mounted on the old water tower that are no longer in use.  Three of the antennas has been installed by the County for public safety communication many years ago, but due to upgrades in the radio systems were decommissioned several years ago. Rammelsberg shared observations that some of the wires had detached and were hanging loosely.  Rammelsberg expressed concerns about the equipment coming lose and falling, and requested permission to reach out to the County Sheriff’s Office to see if they would help with the costs to remove the antennas.  Council agreed for Rammelsberg work with the Sheriff’s Office.


Cathy Becker shared that the Library Board recommends increasing the Library hours by 5 hours per week.  The Library Hours would be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 6pm, Wednesdays from 1pm to 6pm in the summer, and 1pm to 7pm in the fall, winter and spring, Fridays from 1pm to 6pm, and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm.  These changes would increase Becker’s hours from 35 hours per week to 38 hours per week, and Vicky Myers, Assistant Librarian, from 5 hours per week to 10 hours per week.  Korsmo made a motion to follow the recommendation of the Library Board to change Becker’s hours from 35 to 38 hours per week, and increase Myer’s hours from 5 to 10 hours per week, effective July 1, 2014.  Second was made by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


Council discussed wages for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Council heard a recommendation from the Library Board for the Library Staff as shared by Cathy Becker.  Harbach made a motion to approve a $1 per hour raise for Vicky Myers, Assistant Librarian, and include in the approval of Resolution #593, seconded by Korsmo.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried. Drahos made a motion to approve Resolution # 593, a resolution that would grant a raise increase of 3% to three full time employees: Cathy Becker, Library Director- $18.10 per hour; Todd Damon, Public Works- $24.57 per hour; and Mike Jennings, Director of Public Works-$58,029.21.00 annually, and grant a $1 per hour raise for Vicky Myers, Assistant Librarian.  Second was made by Harbach.   Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Resolution was approved.


Motion was made by Korsmo, second by Herman, to approve the cigarette permit effective July 1, 2014 for The Depot Express, 188 Parkridge Road. Ayes: Drahos, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.  Motion carried.


Herman made a motion to approve Resolution #594, a resolution to release the city park to the Atkins Community Club for Watermelon Days, with a second by Korsmo. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Resolution was approved.


Council discussed the condition of the property at 74 2nd Avenue. Deputy City Clerk shared suggestion from the City Building Inspector to begin process to condemn the property.  Council raised questions about cost and ownership through that process.  Korsmo made a motion to move forward to understand the cost of condemning the property and who will own it when condemning is complete, seconded by Herman. Ayes: Drahos, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.  Motion carried.


Council discussed the decision they made at the prior meeting for reimbursement for culvert and ditch repair.  Agreed that prior decisions to help financially with updates were led by special circumstances, and Council will need to continue to review each situation for decision.


Lindsay Beaman with Snyder & Associates shared she has the contract and insurance with Ricklefs for the Cardinal Avenue and 33rd & Parkridge Realignment for approval.  Korsmo made a motion to sign the contracts, with a second by Herman. Ayes: Drahos, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.


Harbach made a motion to approve Resolution # 592, a resolution approving contract and performance and/or payment bonds for the 71st Street & Parkridge Road Intersection Realignment and Cardinal Ave Extension, with a second by Herman. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Resolution was approved.


Deputy City Clerk shared that MATCH grant request for proposals are due this week, and on target to meet deadline. Korsmo expressed concerns with the golf cart ordinance not being follow by some residents.


On motion by Harbach, second by Drahos, voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, July 7, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Melissa Rammelsberg,

Deputy City Clerk

June 2, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, Tim Harbach, Connie Drahos, and Weston Bishop. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Dick Lange, City Clerk; Melissa Rammelsberg, Deputy City Clerk; Jim Kidwell; Art Taschner; Dean Andes; Shane Mell; Lindsay Beaman, City Engineering; and Todd Damon, City Public Works Department.


Herman made a motion, second by Korsmo, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from May 19th, May Financial Report and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried

Bills approved:


A Tech Inc. Fire Dept Alarm Monitoring $60.00

Atkins Lumber Co. Water Dept – Fork lift rent 75.00

“             “ Fire Dept. supplies 44.94

“             “ Road- supplies 3.27

Atkins Savings Bank Fire Dept – Rescue Loan Payment 11,462.69

“            “           “ Fire Dept – Tanker Bond Payment 19,475.00

Atkins Telephone Co. Fire Dept. 120.45  

“           “             “ City Hall 244.67

Bankers Trust Sewer Revenue Loan 75,052.50

“             “ General Obligation Loan – Water 89,303.75

“             “ General Obligation Loan – H20 Plant 190,741.25

Benton County Auditor Law Enforcement Contract 5,265.00

Payroll Wages 8,708.78

Furler Utility Services Wastewater Testing 465.00

Hawkins Water Supplies 10,859.84

Iowa Prison Industries Street Signs 485.87

Menard’s Water Plant Supplies 56.56

Park Supplies – Microwave 119.00

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. Water Plant Operation 134.00

“              “          “ Inspection at Ridgeview 5th 3944.93

“            “          “ 71st & 33rd Planning 920.00

Staples City Hall – Office Supplies 68.51

“  “ Park – Paper Supplies 47.48

VESSCO, Inc. Water Plant Supplies 132.67


Library bills:

Payroll Wages       $1,025.72

Atkins Savings Bank Library Loan & Interest 88,525.00

Atkins Telephone Co. phone bill 58.71

“                 “ Tech support 65.00

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services 120.00                       

Staples Office Supplies (toner) 98.96


May Finance Report Receipts                              Warrants

General Fund $  20,025.89 $  67,264.31

TIF          $    4,899.87 $           0.00

Road Use Tax          $    7,832.88                 $  21,232.17

Water Fund          $  12,194.21                  $  19,882.60

Sewer Fund                      $    5,676.18                             $  10,763.08

Sewer Debt Fund          $  12,999.00                     $           0.00      

Totals        $  63,628.03 $119,142.16


Resident, Shane Mell, requested financial assistance with reworking the waterway along the west side of his property.  Harbach made a motion to cover the expenses for material not to exceed $2,000, seconded by Korsmo. Ayes: Bishop, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: Drahos.  Motion carried.


The Council considered the second reading of Ordinance # 194 which would raise water rates from $4.60 per 1,000 gallon to $5.90 per 1,000 effective July 1, 2014.  Korsmo moved to approve the second reading. Second was made by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


The Council considered the second reading of Ordinance # 195 which would raise sewer rates from 50% of the water rate to 80% of the water rate effective July 1, 2014.  Harbach made a motion, second by Korsmo, to approve the second reading.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #587, a resolution to appoint Melissa Rammelsberg as the City Clerk/Treasurer and Planning & Zoning Administrator effective July 1, 2014, with a second by Harbach. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried.


The Council reviewed the Sherriff’s Report for July through December 2013, and the Law Enforcement Contract for fiscal year 2015.  The rates for fiscal year 2015 are the same as fiscal year 2014.  Council requested the City Clerk to contact the Sherriff’s office to increase enforcement in some of the problem traffic areas.  Drahos made a motion to approve the Law Enforcement Contract for fiscal year 2015, seconded by Harbach.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Reviewed estimates from Ken-Way for repairs to Parkridge Road, B Ave Storm Sewer, C Ave Storm Sewer, and Pleasant Court Storm Sewer.  Herman made a motion to approve all four jobs up to $35,000, and authorized the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk to negotiate a better pricing, seconded by Korsmo. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Lindsay Beaman with Snyder & Associates shared the Engineer’s Report, which included the bid results for Cardinal Avenue and 33rd & Parkridge Realignment, and an update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant facility planning.


Mayor Becker opened the Public Hearing on plans, specification, form of contract, and estimate of cost for 33rd & 71st Realignment and Cardinal Avenue Extension.  The Clerk reported there were not written comment filed.  Becker asked for comment from those in attendance.  None were offered.  Mayor Becker closed the Public Hearing.


Harbach made a motion to approve Resolution #591, a resolution awarding contract to Rickleff, the lowest bidder, with the bid alternative, with a second by Bishop. Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Council held discussion on the possibility of adding public bathrooms and concession area at the soccer fields.  Additional research and information is needed for further discussion.


Korsmo shared a plan from a couple local teenagers proposing adding a Disc Golf Course at the recreation area with the soccer fields.  Estimated costs would be less $2,500.  Korsmo advised that he could work with the Atkins Community Club and sponsors to fund this.  Council agreed this would be good to pursue.


Harbach advised there is a sizeable hole in the street at 4th and Parkridge, and asked that Public Works look into repairing.  Harbach also asked the Council to consider adding a stop sign at Cardinal and Parkridge as the daycare is completed and more development is made in the area.


Drahos advised that she has gotten complaints about Bob Grave’s property needing to be mowed and cleaned up.  Clerk advised the mortgage company’s foreclosure attorney for that property has been contacted.


Council request the Clerk/Deputy City Clerk contact the owners who have ditches along Parkridge and 33rd Ave to have weeds/grass in the ditch behind their fence mowed, and also requested JMS Trucking be contacted to have weeds/grass mowed at 301 Railroad Street.


On motion by Harbach, second by Korsmo voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Bishop, Drahos, Herman, Harbach, and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, June 16, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Richard Lange, Clerk



Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Kevin Korsmo, Tim Harbach, Connie Drahos, and Dave Duball. Absent: Diane Herman.  Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Jim Kidwell; Steve Scott, Engineer with Ralston Construction; Melissa Rammelsberg, Deputy City Clerk; Lindsay Beaman from Snyder & Associates; Mike Jennings and Todd Damon, City Public Works Department.


Duball made a motion, second by Harbach, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from April 21st, April Finance Report, and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.

Bills approved:

Alliant Energy Electric Utility $5,153.58

Atkins Lumber Co. City Hall- building supplies 14.56

“          “ Public Works – Forklift Rent & Supplies 195.48

“           “ Fire Dept – Entry Doors & Ladders 1,026.47

Atkins Telephone Co. City Phone Service 251.93

“      “ Fire Dept 121.24

CLIA Laboratory Program Medical Biohazard Certificate Fee 150.00

Denco Highway Const. Rumble Strip Removal 16,178.05

Payroll Wages 6,216.00

Melissa Rammelsberg Mileage (Training & FD Picnic Supplies) 109.76

Fire Service Training Bureau Training expense 50.00

Harn R/O Systems                   Water Monitor Repair 2,166.13

Hawkins Water Supplies 674.50

Iowa DNR Waste Water Treatment 2 Certification 60.00

“        “ NPDES Permit 175.00

“        “ Wastewater Construction Permit 100.00

“        “ Water Construction Permit 100.00

Ken-Way Water Main Repair 2,886.62

Metering & Tech Solution New Water Meters – 6 1,190.49

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

Roto-Rooter Televise sewer line 280.00

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. Cardinal Ave Project 3,840.00

Staples City Hall – Office Supplies 255.89

“ “ Fire Dept – Office Supplies 24.60

Library bills:

Payroll Wages                     $1,038.76

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 440.14

Atkins Telephone Co. Phone Service   55.97

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services                         120.00

Becca Coleman Library Sub 21.75

Staples Office Supplies 42.64


April Finance Report Receipts                               Warrants

General Fund $163,006.48 $  68,068.37

TIF          $188,217.05 $           0.00

Road Use Tax          $  10,625.18                 $  22,433.35

Water Fund          $  13,093.29                $  27,335.34

Sewer Fund                      $    6,100.57                             $  14,180.01

Sewer Debt Fund          $  13,863.00                     $           0.00      

Totals        $394,905.57 $132,017.07



Dave Berns was not present for discussion on filling in his ditch at 403 C Avenue. Motion was made to table the discussion until next meeting when Berns is present made by Korsmo, second by Harbach.  Ayes: Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried. There was additional discussion about concerns that had been raised on the lack of drain inlets in Ron Johnson’s ditch that he filled in.  The Council expressed concerns that their request to ensure they were included may not have been followed.  Korsmo will contact him to reaffirm that drain inlets need to be in place.


Council discussed a request that was raised by Mike Less to have the ditch on the north, non-address side of Circleview Drive from C Ave to D Ave. There is some drainage tile there now that the home owners installed, and the Council agreed to help with supplies to finish installing the drainage tile.  City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk will discuss with Mike Less.


Harbach made a motion, second by Drahos, to set the public hearing date for May 19th to amend the City Budget for 2014. Ayes: Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.


Lindsay Beaman with Snyder & Associates shared an update on the plans for the Cardinal Ave and 33rd Ave/71st Street realignment project.  Bid date is set for May 29th at 2:00pm at City Hall.  Mayor Becker asked if repairs to the drainage/walking trail in the Pleasant Hill edition would be included.  Beaman advised it is not currently in the plan.  Duball made a motion approve the plans and authorize payment for the permits (NPDES, Wastewater Construction, Water Construction), seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.


Steve Scott, engineer with Ralston Construction, shared information about zero lot lines to separate ownership of the condo properties.  He confirmed that survey pins would be set after the foundation was poured to establish parameters of ownership for the two units.  City Engineer Beaman asked if there would be separate service lines for the two units.  Scott confirmed there would be two service lines.  On a motion by Korsmo to allow the zero lot line and allow Zoning Administrator to approve future zero lot line requests, and with a second by Duball.  Ayes: Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.


Motion was made by Korsmo, second by Duball, to approve the beer and cigarette permit effective May 19, 2014 for The Depot Express, 188 Parkridge Road. Ayes: Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.


Discussion on the Social Host Ordinance with the Council, and awareness of the ordinance passed at the State level.  Further discussion will be held at the next meeting.


Discussion on the street repair proposal made by LL Pelling Company.  Question raised about the intersection at Main Avenue and Parkridge Road, as it was not included in the proposal.  Public Works Director will contact A&G Asphalt to check into what can be done to repair the intersection.  Motion made by Duball to approve the street work proposal, seconded by Harbach. Ayes: Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.


Discussion with the Council on the options for water and sewer rates for fiscal year 2015.  As of July 1st, the $21 sewer debt could be removed, and discussion on changes to pay for the water meter replacement project.  Discussion on funding for the upcoming wastewater treatment plant that the city will need to build. Decision was deferred to the next meeting to consider an ordinance to change the rates effective July 1st.

Status on the water meter replacement project was shared.  Replacement is planned to start on June 2nd.  A contact letter with details on the timing and logistics of installation will be drafted and shared with the Council before it is sent out to water customers.


Council discussed temporary summer help compensation for the public works department.   Duball has expressed interest in the position.  Korsmo made a motion to set the pay rate of $20 per hour.  Harbach seconded the motion.  Ayes: Harbach and Korsmo.  Nay: Drahos.  Abstained: Duball. Absent: Herman.   Motion failed.  Drahos proposed to set the pay rate at $19.50.  Motion made by Harbach to set the pay rate at $19.50, and seconded by Korsmo.  Aye: Drahos, Harbach and Korsmo. Nay: None. Abstained: Duball. Absent: Herman.  Motion carried.


Duball submitted a letter of resignation from the City Council due to his desire to fill the temporary summer public works position.  On a motion to accept the resignation effective May 6th by Korsmo, and seconded by Harbach.  Ayes: Drahos, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Abstained: Duball.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried.


The Deputy Clerk reported the Letter of Interest and supporting documentation for the Wellmark MATCH grant to help with the Parkridge Sidewalk project was submitted and delivered before the May 6th deadline.


Korsmo reported the improvements to the 3rd Ball Diamond are complete.


Duball reported that Doug Ness wants to fill in his ditch at his residence at D Avenue.  Requested addition to next meeting’s agenda for discussion.


On motion by Harbach, second by Korsmo voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Duball, Drahos, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None.  Absent: Herman.   Motion carried. The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, May 19, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Richard Lange, Clerk



April 7, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, Tim Harbach, and Dave Duball. Absent: None. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, Mike Jennings, Jim Kidwell, Jim Herzberger, Allan Schanbacher, Lindsay Beaman, Scott Waybill, James Comisky, Todd Damon, Doug Woltemath, Seth Patterson, Justin Collum, and Luke Franzenburg.


A motion was made by Herman, second by Korsmo, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from March 17th and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried

Bills approved:

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 4,422.18

Atkins Lumber Co. City Hall- glue     2.59

“         “ Public Works – Forklift Rent & Bulbs 66.76

Atkins Telephone Co. City Phone Service 247.37

“     “ Fire Dept 122.85

Data Technologies, Inc. Training 170.00

Payroll Wages 6216.00

Fox Apparatus Repair Fire Department Truck Maintenance 631.33

Friends of the Shelter Animal Control Fee 130.00

Furler Utility Sewer testing                         360.00

Hawkins Water Supplies 3,377.98

Heiman Fire Department Supplies 47.75

ITS LLC Website Dev Service & Hosting Fee 2,170.00

Linn County REC Sewer Electric Utility 445.54

LL Pelling Co. Road Repair 242.55

Marco Quarterly Copier Fee 258.29

Menards Operating Supplies 28.06

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

Office Express Office Supplies 27.99

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. Waste Water Facility Plan 3,475.00

“               “ Intersection Realignment Plan 2,300.00

“               “ General Engineering 193.05

Staples Office Supplies 80.66

Thompson Truck & Trailer Public Works truck repair 130.16

Van Meter Inc. Fire Department – Supplies 223.53

“         “ Fire Department – Light bulbs 6.86

Wittmer Animal Services Animal Control Fee 75.00


Library bills:

Payroll Wages                    $1,073.17

Alliant Energy Electric Utility 457.23

Atkins Lumber Co. Library – Repair Supplies     23.54

Atkins Telephone Co. Phone Service   57.85

“               “ Tech Support 65.00

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services                         120.00

Megan Mishmash Library Sub 21.75

Pam Duball Summer Reading Program books 19.98

Rachel Kenney Library Sub 21.75


Allan Schanbacher presented some preliminary sketches on the proposed addition to St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church.  He also shared that re-roofing and adding a parking lot to the back of the church next to the baseball diamond would be included in the project.  He requested the Council’s approval to proceed with the addition, and the Council provided their approval.  The Council asked for updates as detailed information becomes available.


Lindsay Beaman with Snyder & Associates shared an engineer’s update on the projects in progress.


A summary of the DNR report on the Waste Water Treatment was shared.  There are two items to be addressed in the next 60 days on composite sampling and pump calibration.  Public Works is resolving to meet the requested timeframe.


Mike Jennings shared information about the current water meter system, and explained based on the age a replacement is needed.  He shared options with two providers, Badger and Sensus.  The Council asked Mike to reach out to reference towns to get their input on the two systems, and Drahos asked the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk to look into grants for water efficiency improvements.  Herman made a motion to table decision until more information was obtained, Drahos seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Duball, Drahos, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Mayor Becker shared that due to an upcoming medical leave, there would be a need for additional help in the Public Works department.  It was discussed to have a full-time, seasonal resource to help with the workload. City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk will look into seasonal hiring procedures to share with the Council at the next meeting.


Mayor Becker raised discussion on the needs and requirements for a Deputy Clerk. A list of responsibilities and estimated time allocations was shared with the Council.  Korsmo made a motion for the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk to put together a job description for a Deputy Clerk to prepare to post the position. Herman seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: Drahos. Motion carried.


Lack of sidewalks on vacant lots in the newer subdivisions was discussed.  It was identified that city code does not address sidewalks on vacant lots until a dwelling is built.  It was discussed that some covenants have time periods in which dwellings have to be built after purchase, but the city does not enforce covenants as they are responsibility of development association.


Removal of the rumble strips on Parkridge Rd/71st Street was discussed. It was suggested to try filling them in with asphalt first, and then pursue cutting them out and replacing them if that did not take. Duball made a motion to have the rumble strips eliminated, Harbach seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Duball, Drahos, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Speed on 71st Street by the Pleasant Hill Edition was discussed.  Concerned residents, Justin Collum, Seth Patterson, and Luke Franzenburg, shared that many people go faster than 35 MPH and coming from the east, the T-intersection at Deer Ridge and 71st is difficult to see & react if going faster than 35 MPH.  It was proposed to work with the County to add notice signs of the speed limit change sooner, and to work with Benton County Sheriff to have additional enforcement done in that area.


Mayor Becker shared an update on the Landfill Committee.  He has been appointed as the vice chair for the committee.


Korsmo asked that we include discussion at the next meeting to include a yield sign at Ridgeview Drive.


Council is looking for an Atkins representative for the Benton County Foundation.  If any Atkins resident is interested, he/she should contact Connie Drahos for more information.


Todd reported that he obtained his Water Treatment Grade 2 certification.


Seth Patterson raised a concern about the street settling in front of his house on Deer Ridge Drive, and water drainage that is being blocked.  Public Works will look into resolving this issue.


On motion by Harbach, second by Korsmo, council voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None.  Absent: None. Motion carried.  The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, April 21, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Richard Lange, Clerk

March 17, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, Tim Harbach, and Dave Duball. Absent: None. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, David Condry, and Mike Jennings.


A motion was made by Korsmo, second by Herman, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from March 3rd and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None.  Motion carried

Bills approved:

Alliant Energy Electrical Service $4,348.89

Benton County Auditor Law Enforcement Contract 5,265.00

Benton County Engineer Landfill Fee 13,360.00

Chase Card Water Bill Mailing 205.92

“      “ Water Samples 11.97

Colony Heating & Air Cond. Service Call – City Hall 198.00

D. J. C-Stores Fuel- Road 125.06

“         “ Water LP 32.09

D&N Fence Co., Inc Ball Diamond Fence (LOSST) 7,500.00

Payroll Wages 6,065.14

Council & Mayor Payroll Wages 2,876.56

Future Line Truck Equipment Road- snow plow repair 799.41

IRS Federal Tax Deposit 4,117.93

IPERS Deposit 2,712.82

Iowa Assoc of Municipal Water Membership Dues 510.07

Hawkins Water Treatment Supplies 445.23

Harn R/O Systems Anti-Scalant 1,800.00

John Deere Financial Street Operating Supplies 42.75

Keystone Lab Water & Wastewater testing 133.86

Legion Auxiliary Firefighter’s Appreciation Dinner 780.50

Linn REC Lagoon Electrical Service 611.53

MPC Newspapers Publications 245.38

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 1,315.10

State Auditor’s Office Exam Fee 1,200.00

True North Health & Disability Insurance 2,329.32

U S Cellular Cell Phones 153.74

“       “ Fire Dept Cell Phone 10.00

Waste Management Recycling pick-up 3,553.06

Wellmark BC/BS Flex Pay 84.00


Library bills:

Payroll Wages $1,016.91

Cathy Becker Mileage 26.88

Alliant Energy Electrical Service 452.80

Chase Card Books 125.04

“         “ A/V 110.57

“          “ Office Supplies & Postage 153.99

DP Properties LLC Janitorial 120.00

MidAmerican Energy Natural Gas Service 402.15

True North Health & Disability Insurance 699.72

Wellmark BC/BS Flex Pay 37.83


David Condry with the Benton County Above the Influence Coalition, recognized the Watermelon Days planning committee for their responsiveness and the steps taken to reduce underage and binge drinking.  He presented a certification to Kevin Korsmo as the vice president of the Atkins Community Club.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #580, a resolution to authorize signing the ACH agreement and City Clerk & Deputy City Clerk to sign the ACH transmittal register at Atkins Savings Bank & Trust.  Drahos seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None. Resolution was approved.


Herman made a motion to approve Resolution #581, a resolution to pay mileage reimbursement at the current IRS rate.  Duball seconded the motion. Ayes: Herman, Duball, Drahos, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None. Resolution was approved.


The Council discussed the condition of the current lawn mower.  Harbach made a motion to purchase John Deere 997 Commercial LC Diesel Max-Frame Z-Trak mower with 72 inch side discharge 7-iron Pro Deck with accessories, not to exceed $19,000.  Korsmo seconded the motion. Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None.  Motion Carried.


Korsmo reminded the group that we need to keep the sidewalk by the Water Treatment Plant and Library cleared in the winter.  Concerns were expressed about the snowmobiles packing the snow down across the sidewalk.  It was agreed to discuss with the snowmobile club to set up a series of signs next year to keep snowmobiles off the sidewalk.  Also, Mike Jennings will look into a snow blower to use for the sidewalk cleaning.


Harbach asked that we start discussion on hiring a Deputy Clerk.  Agreed that we would add to next meeting’s agenda.


On motion by Harbach, second by Herman, council voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None.  Absent: None. Motion carried.  The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, April 7, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Richard Lange, Clerk

March 3, 2014 Atkins, Iowa

Council met in regular session.  Members present were: Connie Drahos, Kevin Korsmo, Diane Herman, Tim Harbach, and Dave Duball. Absent: None. Mayor Becker called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Also present: Melissa Rammelsberg, Jason Sauser, and Todd Damon.

A motion was made by Korsmo, second by Herman, to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of the minutes from February 17th, the February Finance report and list of bills for approval. Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach, and Korsmo.  Nay: None. Motion carried

Bills approved:

A Tech, Inc. Fire Dept Alarm Monitoring        $60.00

Atkins Lumber Co. City Hall- ice melt     10.99

“          “ Fire Dept – plywood 35.18

Atkins Telephone Co. City Phone Service 299.48

“      “ Fire Dept 120.63

Benton County Extension Summer Science Camp 300.00

Payroll Wages 1,936.04

Creative Technologies Annual Tech Support 495.00

El Dorado Printing Waterbill Forms 657.00

Furler Utility Sewer testing                         360.00

Future Line Truck Equipment Snow Plow lights 109.50

Global Filter Water Filter Cartridge 291.30

Harn R/O Systems Inc Skids Cleaning supplies 5,408.29

Hawkins Water Supplies 1,720.00

Mike Jennings Health Insurance            138.95

Linn Coop Road Fuel          1,179.04

“       “ Fire Dept Fuel 164.12

Region 1 AWWA Water Training 40.00

Snyder & Assoc, Inc. Waste Water Facility Plan 3,240.00

“                “ Intersection Realignment Plan 1,380.00

“                “ General Engineering 214.00

Staples Office Supplies 52.98

“ Cleaning Supplies 63.94

Wellmark BC/BS FlexPay Administration 580.00

Library bills:

Payroll Wages                     $977.80

DP Properties LLC Janitorial Services                         120.00

Atkins Telephone Co. Phone Service   55.63

Penworthy Company Books 150.17


Mayor Becker opened the Public Hearing for Electric Franchise with Alliant Energy. The Clerk reported there were no written objections filed.  Becker asked for comments from those in attendance.  None were offered. Public Hearing was closed.  Drahos made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance #193, an ordinance granting to Interstate Power and Light Company (Alliant Energy) the right and franchise to construct, maintain and operate in the City of Atkins for generation of electricity and the right to build and maintain the necessary equipment for the distribution of electric current throughout said City for the period of twenty-five (25) years. Harbach seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: none. Motion carried. A motion to waive the second reading and approve the third and final reading was made by Korsmo, and second by Duball. Aye: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo, Nay: none. Ordinance was approved.


Mayor Becker opened the Public Hearing for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget.  The Clerk reported there were no written objections filed.  Becker asked for comments from those in attendance.  None were offered.  Public Hearing was closed.  Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #579, a resolution to adopt the budget as published.  Harbach seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: none. Resolution was approved.


Mayor Dave Becker requested approval to appoint Kirk Draper to the Library Board.  A motion to approve made by Herman, second by Korsmo.  Aye: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Council reviewed the monthly Engineers Report from Snyder & Associates.  The bidding for the 33rd & 71st Street realignment and the Cardinal Ave extension will be combined. Confirmed approval from the DNR for the increased flow of 4%, and are waiting on the Wasteload Allocation for the Waste Water Treatment Plant.


Korsmo made a motion to approve Resolution #577, a resolution to set and establish salaries and wages for Deputy City Clerk.  Herman seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: Drahos. Resolution was approved.


Drahos made a motion to approve Resolution #578, a resolution to grant permission to allow Mayor and Deputy City Clerk to sign checks drawn on the Atkins Savings Bank & Trust.  Harbach seconded the motion.  Ayes: Herman, Duball, Drahos, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None. Resolution was approved.


Mayor Becker reported on the 28E Agreement to form a Solid Waste Commission in the county for the operation of the landfill.  The Commission eliminated the Executive Committee.

A motion was made by Herman to authorize the Mayor to sign the revised 28E agreement to govern the operation of the Benton County Solid Waste Disposal Commission, second by Harbach.  Aye: Herman, Duball, Drahos, Harbach and Korsmo. Nay: None.  Motion carried.


Mayor Becker reported that the Annual Exam with the State of Iowa Auditors was completed on February 27, 2014.  The final report will be received within the next couple of months.


Council recognized a $500 Donation for Library from Atkins Community Club.


On motion by Harbach, second by Herman, council voted to adjourn.  Ayes: Herman, Drahos, Duball, Harbach and Korsmo. Nays: None.  Absent: None. Motion carried.  The next regular council meeting will be on Monday, March 17, 2014 at City Hall, 480 3rd Avenue, starting at 7:30 PM.



David Becker, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________

                       Richard Lange, Clerk