Design: Watermelon theme. All drawings must be done on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. You can use up to six colors: You can use markers, colors or colored pencils. You may also do your design on the computer and submit a disc along with a paper copy of the design. A catchy logo also helps!
In the design you need to have the date and Atkins Watermelon Days.
You need to sign your design and include your phone number. If under age 18, we need to have a parent give permission to use your design if chosen.
Ages: All ages!
Prize: If your design is chosen, you will receive a free t-shirt and $25.00!
You may choose to have your name on front.
Deadline: All designs must be submitted before April 20th, 2020 to the Atkins Public Library.
Questions: Contact Cathy Becker at the public library. #446-7676
The Atkins Community Club members will choose the design.
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